Women in Leadership

You cannot lead without integrating your past into your present.

Uncover your whole self

Embrace the moments that shape your stance

Unearth the roots of your decision-making

  • This was the best hour of my week (maybe my last month). Highly recommend it. You will come away energized, confident, and wanting more! Thank you so much!


  • The exercises were very freeing. I didn’t realize how just focusing on a topic and writing essentially the first thing that came to mind came so effortlessly. Definitely going to use these steps to increase confidence.


  • Wow. Enjoyed this time for life and self-reflection and the opportunity of learning new ways to write/journal/reflect.


  • Great presenter and topic and seminar. There is so much that could be explored, and I’m loving these exercises—something new and exciting for me to try and continue.


  • So valuable! I wanted more time with this topic and the exercises. Discovering and Standing in Your Authentic Voice was the best hour of my week (maybe my last month). Highly recommend it. Hopefully, like me, you will come away energized, confident, and wanting more! Thank you so much.


  • This was one of the most valuable and meaningful webinars I’ve attended in a long time.


  • It was beyond what I expected.


  • Thank you for sharing your passion of honing our authentic voices with our women leaders. It was an afternoon of deep conversations, unique exercises, and community conversations.


Through the Authentic Voice method, you will uncover the core of your authenticity, as a leader.

Leaders are through with fulfilling others’ expectations and ready to center their wellbeing by uncovering their authentic voice. In my interactive workshop, I guide women to take a pause, to step onto a new field, to integrate their past into their present and emerge as fearless, creative leaders.

Great leaders mine their lived experience, understand the perils of “the cultivated self,” and move swiftly toward healthy authenticity.

If your team is tired of talking-head workshops and mindless leadership advice to “just be real,” Authentic Voice is for you.

Workshops are offered in person and virtually. Pricing: Please inquire.

Authentic Voice workshops are customized for your leadership team. Let’s discuss your needs.